
The TNI support to PI Containment

                The Indonesian Armed Force conduct an Military Operation Other Than War for their duties by conducting containment to stop or to slow down the spread of virus to other locations starting from day “D” at “H” hour in order to anticipate and response to the containment of the influenza virus outbreak at the influenza pandemic epicenter zone.
The assistances provided by the Indonesian Armed Force based on the priority scale are: 

a.          Health Protection of the Indonesian Armed Force Personnel.  Considering that the assistance provided by the Indonesian Armed Force to other institutes is very risky to be infected by the deadly virus, the Indonesian Armed Force personnel assigned to the pandemic epicenter zone should be provided with knowledge on the transmission of Avian Influenza virus. Besides, the personnel should also be equipped with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) according to the valid standard procedure, mask, vaccination, and prophylaxis support.

b     Assistance to the Regional Government.   Conduct containment of influenza pandemic epicenter starting from day “D” at “H” hour with the following phases:

1.        Coordination Phase.   Conduct coordination with the Regional Government in planning the containment activities of the influenza pandemic epicenter as follows:
·   Determine operational steps to mobilize and arrange various components in order to be coordinated and synchronized according to the role and responsibility of each component.
·   Establish a Special Task Force Organization for the Containment of Influenza Pandemic.
·   Assist in the establishment of Influenza Pandemic Epicenter Outbreak Command Post so the command and coordination can run for 24 hours or to activate the existing organization/executing and coordinating unit/executing unit.
·   Assist in determining the border for an area to be the  influenza pandemic epicenter zone.
·   Assist the local Regional Government in distancing social activities for the community in the influenza pandemic containment zone including quarantine and isolation measures.
·   Inventory of areas vulnerable against influenza pandemic epicenter to occur according to the development of the situation and condition.
·   Conduct continuous education to remind the community to always be calm during the quarantine period in the influenza pandemic epicenter zone.
·   Conduct coordination with the Regional Government to determine steps for prevention or efforts to reduce further fall of victims.
·   Plan evacuation locations and determine nearest road for evacuation.

2)        Containment Operation Phase
·   Assist the regional government to provide official statement of the head of the district/mayor on the occurrence of influenza pandemic epicenter and instruct the related apparatus to conduct containment as necessary. The statement of the head of the district will be strengthened with a statement of the Ministry of Health that an Influenza pandemic epicenter outbreak has occurred and that the regional government will conduct area quarantine.
·   Mobilize the Indonesian Armed Force personnel together with other institutes to conduct perimeter control in an area that is stated to be an influenza pandemic epicenter.
·   Assist in conducting observation towards the outgoing and incoming traffic of goods/poultry/humans from and to an influenza pandemic epicenter zone.
·   Conduct activities that prioritize the saving human life.

3)        Rehabilitation Phase
·   Coordinating with the Regional Government to treat post-pandemic influenza according to the priority scale.
·   Conduct recovery of the condition according to the deliberation with the regional government.

4)        Consolidation Phase
·   Conduct consolidation towards the Indonesian Armed Force personnel and the equipment of the power element of the Indonesian Armed Force which are being assigned to assist the regional government.
·   Report the result of the implementation of activities to the High Command.
· Evaluate activities already implemented to be revised for further assignment.

                The Epicenter PI containment is the best one way  to cut the transmission chain at the location of epicenter and other locations with risk or to restrict the spread of the disease to other areas.   Influenza Pandemic Epicenter is a location of the initial point of the detection of epidemiologic and virology signals which are signs of the occurrence of human to human transmission of influenza pandemic that may cause the occurrence of influenza pandemic.

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